Macintosh Computers were popular to many back in the early 90’s and if you ever used one back in the day, you will remember what it was like to use a computer with a pretty cool GUI that has stayed on MacOS even up until now. When I was at school $10,000 was forked out to get one of these Macintosh Plus system that every student (500+) students were supposed to use.
They had a booking system that was full many weeks in advance to get a turn at this new investment the school had made. In hindsight, they probably should have just purchased 1000’s of book instead. I think the computer broke down after a few weeks and was away being repaired for several more weeks.
Anyway has a version that can be used that look very similar to what I remember back in those days that will load using JavaScript emulator compiled with Emscripten. You can check it out at this link MacOS 7.0.1 Emulator (It will load straight away)