Jail Break IPhone Freedom it is now legal

Submitted by Dave Won on Fri, 08/06/2010





Jail Break Freedom IPhone, it's now legal

Jail Break your phone and feel no guilt what so ever!!! it's totally legal according to:


So the reasons you would want to jail break your iphone are:

Freedom to install any free applications from Cydia, theRock & others.

Unlock capabilities that would otherwise not be available such as video camera mode on the 3G model.

There is many reasons such as not feeling the pinch of having to use Apple store

Use your GSM phone on other networks, and in other countries.

Unlock capabilities that would otherwise not be available such as video camera mode on the 3G model.

There is many reasons such as not feeling the pinch of having to use Apple store.

Cydia has free apps and some that you pay for as-well. Some of these applications are ones that were either not approved for itunes store or just never went through the hard process of trying to get an application approved through Apple.


Well will add instructions on how to Jailbreak your phone soon.